The spendy social gamers of Anchorage (and other facts about mobile gaming habits)

Anchorage, Alaska: It’s cold, remote, and filled with people who spend money on social games.
According to Playnomics, the Alaskan city has the highest average revenue per paying user in the United States. It is also has the highest monetization rate, which means Anchorage has the highest percentage of people who spend money on social games.
This data comes from Playnomics’ report for the fourth quarter of 2012. The research firm collects anonymous information from publishers and developers around the globe. For this study, Playnomics sampled 30 million players of social games on PC, tablet, and smartphone.
Its data also reveals that players in the United Kingdom spend the twice the average amount of time playing social games.

Playnomics also reveals a gender gap. Female gamers played 22 percent more sessions than their male counterparts.
Overall, the United States is 149th in terms of average engagement. The top three? United Kingdom, Ireland, and Macedonia.
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